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Title: Tizards

Genre: Comedy/ Action

Duration: Estimated 5 minutes

Target Audience: Teenagers

CG Platform: Autodesk Maya, Adobe Premier, Adobe After Effect, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Z-brush.


Feature Description

Time: Early morning, Present.

Place: Underground of a forest

Mood/ Color: Mood of underground, Contrast between dark environment and a strong direct sunlight from the top, Low light with assistant of directional sunlight, Warm color.




The story starts with a scene of cave drawing about how to take care of the eggs and how their species live in underground, their habit and more about their species. While camera moving from left to right, the camera stop at the nest that show Tiny, Tim, and Tank is moving the egg to under the sunlight that comes from the entrance hole that connect to outside world from a wooden trolley just like the cave drawing shown. This action is like traditions that must be obey by their species and every generation in order to hatch the eggs by using the sunlight. Tank is pass the eggs to Tiny, Tiny try to out the egg into the nest but fail. Suddenly Tim grab the egg from Tiny and put all the eggs in the nest all by himself but his act is very fast and exaggerates and try to show off his speed. Tiny felt angry and he takes his notebook to note down Tim's mistake. When there's only leave one egg in the trolley, Tim can't get the last egg from Tiny or Tank, he turn his head to check out and he saw Tiny try to act his action that put eggs in nest but in satirize way. Tank laugh hardly and Tim felt angry and put the last egg in the nest.


Body/ Climax

After they placed the eggs into the nest, each of them does their own thing. For Tiny, he is inventing something by using natural resources such as wood and he invented a windmill for himself to play. For Tim, Tim is play with a horse broom, pretend he is a cowboy. For Tank, Tank is keep eating mushroom by holding a basket of mushroom in his hands. Suddenly there is a walnut fall from the entrance hole and the walnut is fall in front of Tiny. Tiny pick up the walnut and discovered that the bounciness of walnut, he start play with it. Tim saw Tiny play very happy and he felt interested with that walnut. Tim try to grab the walnut from Tiny and they start to fight, just to grab the walnut. Suddenly, Tiny push Tim hardly and Tim accidentally step on his horse broom and the broom hit the walnut. The walnut roll went into Tank's basket and Tank accidentally eats the walnut. Tiny and Tim stunned and they hit Tank. Suddenly, the whole underground become dark and light like the light blinking. Three of them curious and wonder what happen out there. And finally, the underground become dark and they can't see anything. For reason, there is a windstorm at outside world and the leave accidentally covered their entrance hole. Tiny felt panic and he start run and scream in the underground. Tim felt upset and he picks up the stone on the ground and throws to the entrance hole. Tank is still stunned at there and open his mouth. The stone that Tim throw to the entrance hole is accidentally drop into Tank's mouth and Tank get choke by the stone.


While Tank is still choked by the stone and unable to spit it out, Tiny who keep running with fear in the underground is accidentally hit Tank's stomach and Tank finally able to spit the stone out. The stone that Tank spit is accidentally hit to Tim and Tiny is fall on the ground after hit Tank. Tank and Tim is felt angry with each other and they start argue. Tiny take a look on the windmill that he accidentally fall on ground while hit Tank's stomach. Tiny keep spin the windmill. Tim and Tank is stop argue while Tiny bend and break the windmill stick into two and he start draw his plan on the ground. Tim and Tank walk closer to Tiny and they look at Tiny's plan. While finish draw his plan, Tiny bend and break the stick and take the only windmill part and put on the plan that he draw. Tiny stand up while Tim and Tank walk to Tiny's side. Tim and Tank look on the drawing on the ground and they understand what is Tiny planning to do. Tiny divide job to each other and they start to work together to solve the problem of the leave block the entrance hole. Tim collects tree roots. Tank collects the tree branches. Tiny tides the material and build the big fan. They are very excited when the big fan is completed. Tim run to the big fan and pull the rope that can start the big fan. However, Tim use all of his strength to pull the rope but the big fan doesn't move at all. Tim try so hard and the big fan is still not move. Tiny and Tank go to help Tim to pull the rope after Tim had tries many times.



Ending/ Conclusion

Finally, the big fan move and the wind had blow the leave successfully. They felt happy and the hug together and they start to dance. Suddenly they heard a sound from big fan, and they stop dancing and check it out. The stand of the big fan bend and break because of the over weight of the fan. The fan hit the stand and all break into pieces. Some of the pieces even crush and fly to the eggs direction. They felt very nervous and run to eggs direction with their fastest speed. When they reach the nest, they are in the pose of protect the eggs from the harm of the big fan broken pieces. The broken pieces drop very close to them and nearly hit them. The camera then close up on their faces that glad that they have survive and protect the eggs. They live happily ever after.
Character Design
Background Design
Concept Board