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Research Area


People have been long curious about living things- how many different species there are, what they are like, where they live, how they relate to each other and how they behave. People seek to answer these questions and this affects our way of life to the rest of the world so that people can understand better.

For this project, we mean to share the idea of hidden energy beside the real energy that we can see in reality. Therefore, we decided to study on the underground animals characteristics for 3D characters. The reason of study the underground animals is because these underground animals contain the ¡°hidden¡± energy that we want to show in our thesis.




We have our own identity for ¡°ENERGY¡± in our animation. As living things on Earth, we should know that the natural energy and natural resource are very important for all livings.



Underground, Egg, 3D Animation, Sunlight, Wind, Natural Resource, Lizards



To aware people about unity is the powerful way to solve problem.




- To explore more about natural energy

- To study about attributes and characteristic about animals that live in underground.

- To have a better know on natural resource

- To experience the values of being united

- To develop the animatability of the characters.



- Background study of animals that live in underground

- Online research about animals that live in underground

- Analysis and study on only one animal (pictures, videos and etc)

- Study on how to apply human attributes on the animation character.

- Create a new set of characteristics that values the animation character.

- Develop more possibilities for the animation characters and the natural environment



This paper concludes with a recommendation on applying natural and untouchable energy for animation character beside what we can see in the reality and make the animation more alive.